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The Dead Rat Cider Factory is located in Llanbedrgoch, Anglesey, N.Wales, UK and features some of the very best brewing technology available in the world.

Cider making is an ancient tradition going back many hundreds of years and as the science developed some interesting conclusions were made along the way. Many of these were found by accident, including the addition of animal protein to the brew to aid fermentation. Even 50 years ago, standards of hygiene were relatively poor and sacks of half rotten apples containing all kinds of fauna and flora would be casually tossed into the scratter before being pressed, but they found that improving the quality control of the ingredients produced an inferior product.
Another way that animals found their way into the brew was by way of the open topped fermentation vats. Animals, particularly rats and even the odd cat, would scurry about on the rafters above the vats, become intoxicated by the alcohol and either deliberately or by accident find themselves diving into the treacherous liquid.
Our cider is made using modern hygienic techniques and no wild rats are added to the brew and we dont use open topped vats. Any animals that might be used in the cider making process are treated in a kind and humane way and slaughtered to the highest ethical standards. All apples are carefully checked and washed before going into the scratter and the resulting cider is delicious, but may not be suitable for vegetarians.
* No rats were harmed in the making of our cider.
* Not suitable for vegetarians.